Saturday, November 27, 2010

local items search: gold

Hello! I'm Penny from Pocket Carnival - I'm so pleased to be a part of the Australian Etsy Blog team!

Storms can be Dark and Angry-Baby Onesie Bodysuit by minienvy

Today I'm sharing a new search tool Etsy has just released - Local Items. Before this tool was released, a search for an item (today I'm using 'gold') could be refined only by items that shipped to your country. Now, there's a neat little 'Local Items' button - if you click this, your search will show you items only in your geographical region, based on your IP Address (like Melbourne, Australia).

Round Circle Disc Necklace by littleobywolfbrother

For sellers: to set this up so your items will appear in the Local Items search, you need to follow these steps!

Sellers location in the Local Items search is based on the location of the red pin on the google map in their public profile.
Click here to visit your public profile, and if there's no little red pin, add one!
It'll take about 15 mins for the search to update, and then voila! Happy local buyers can find your goodies.

Vintage Gold Bunting by madeleinesargent

View more about this search change in this forum thread on Etsy. And have fun in the (golden) sun!

xx Penny, Pocket Carnival


  1. Great post- I *love* this new feature! :)

  2. Thanks Nicky! I love the new feature too (well I love it after I figured out how to get my items in there!)

  3. Very cool tool - thanks for sharing.

  4. Oooh, I love the bunting! I've been experimenting with paper doily bunting lately and it actually looks great... a fun alternative decoration :)


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