Friday, March 27, 2009

Fun finds from 'HandMade Detective'

Orange Floral Corset Dress by PenelopeRed

Bird Cage with Cute Little Bird Necklace by FinkStudio

Mini Chocolate Cake Purse by TabiDesigns

Little White Bunny Rabbit Pouch by Denardi

As many of you know, I have created a site to allow us to search local with keywords, based on sellers' stated location in their profiles, as this is not possible on etsy at the moment. I wanted to share some of the new discoveries I've made while browsing using the site....not that I should be looking at more things to buy!
The site: HandMade Detective


  1. I'm loving this new blog! You must have endless energy! You certainly have great taste and great ideas! Thanks for including me, and for sharing!

  2. some great pieces there Nicky - love the top dress!

  3. ohhhh lovin the corset dress!

  4. Thankyou for letting me know about this fantastic site....and for including my bunny pouch on your listing.

  5. Hi Nic,

    thank you so much for including my Penelope Red Corset Dress in your blog! I really appreciate it. Good on you for supporting local talent, and getting our names out there! thanks again, Penelope
    P.s. I love the bunny Rabbit pouch by Denardi.


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